
This image was taken with a Takahashi FSQ-106N refractor and my SBIG ST-8XE. It consists of 60 m luminance at 1x1 binning, 30 m Red at 2x2 binning, 24 m Green at 2x2 binning and 48 m blue at 2x2 binning.

5-6/10/1999 : M31, 30 m exposure on Fuji Superia 800 with a Takahashi Epsilon 160 from Cruis, France.

1996, A picture made in Cruis, S-France. 190/200/760 Flat Field Camera, 45 m exposure using Fuji G800 film.

M31, 02/10/1993. Photo taken with Lichtenknecker 140/150/500 Flat Field Camera and hypered TP2415. Exposure of 20 minutes, visualy guided with a 90 f/11 refractor.

Messier Index