
During the night of 01-02 September 2008, when staying at Verclause (South-France), weather was deteriorating but I still managed to take this image on M52 and NGC7635 (Bubble Nebula in Sh2-162). The telescope was my TMB 115 f/7 APO refractor with my SBIG ST-10XME. An Astrodon red filter was used for the two images, each 10 minute exposure. For the original size frame, click here.

20/11/1998. Picture made with ST-7a and FFC 190/200/760. Focus is not optimal. 10 m selfguided exposure.

6-7/10/1999 : Takahashi Epsilon 160, Kodak Technical Pan 2415 Hypered, 30 m.

Messier Index