
The image below shows the Leo Triplet consisting of M65-M66 and ngc3628 imaged on 25 March, 7 and 9 april 2007with my TMB115 f/7 with TeleVue 0,8x reducer, SBIG ST-10XME binned 1x1, Luminance 36x5 m = 3 hr exposure, RGB each 1 hour exposure. The spikes on brighter stars were added with Noel Carboni's Photoshop Actions.

The following image was made during the night of 17-18 April 2001 from Montlaux in southern France. Equipment used was a SBIG ST-8 + Takahashi CN212 (D=212 mm) working at f/9.9. The telescope was mounted on a Vixen Atlux mount.

Binning 2x2, exposure time was 3 x 900 s = 45 minutes at -20°C CCD temperature. Seeing was not good, FWHM about 5".

Image taken with CCDOPS for Win95, IP with CCDPOPS, AstroArt and Photoshop.


Messier Index