Moon 1999 (B).

Moon images made on 29 October 1999.

ST-7 ABG on my Opticon 250 mm f/15 SCT. All images are 0.11 s exposure, dark subtracted and flat fielded.

A light unsharp mask was applied to the images using AstroArt.

There was some mist and the seeing was fair to good.


Aristoteles (86 Kb)

Arzachel (106 Kb)

Sinus Asperitatis (92 Kb)

Burg (81 Kb)

Hipparchus (124 Kb)

Playfair (113 Kb)

Plinius (85 Kb)

Posidonius (91 Kb)

Mare Serenitatis (93 Kb)

Theophilus (105 Kb)

Mare Tranquilitatis (83 Kb)

Silberschlag (97 Kb)


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