Saturn 2000 - 2001.



16 December 2001.

An image made with my Celestron 14 + barlow at f/22.   Philips ToUcam Pro webcam, a selection of 33 images out of 300 combined in Avi2BMP and image treatment in Adobe Photoshop.

09 December 2001.

To the left an image made with my Celestron 14 + barlow at f/22. Philips ToUcam Pro webcam, a selection of 27 images out of 183 combined in Avi2BMP and image treatment in Adobe Photoshop.

To the right is a R(G)B image made with a SBIG ST-8 CCD. Only images in Red and Blue where made, the Green image was synthetised from these R and B images. Processing in AstroArt and Photoshop.

14 October 2001.

An image made in the primary focus of a Celestron 14 SCT at f/11. Philips ToUcam Pro webcam, a selection of 18 images out of 300 combined in Avi2BMP.

03 December 2000.

After a long period of bad weather, finally an evening with some decent astro-weather. The seeing was only average, which can be seen in the result. I used my Opticon 250 mm f/15 SCT, a Televue Big Barlow and ST-8.

The R(G)B image below consists of a selection of 9 Blue 0.5 s images and 10 Red 0.2 s images, the green image was synthesised from the aligned and averaged blue and red images.

11 September 2000.

As written on the Jupiter 2000 - 2001 page the conditions on the morning of 11 September 2000 were exceptional for my observing site. I made several ST-8 and CFW8 RGB sets of Saturn with CCD-OPS Win. The resultant images were combined and treated with AstroArt and Photoshop. The RGB components were 1/1/2.6 s exposure using my Opticon 250 mm SCT f/15 working at f/30 with a Televue barlow.

20 December 2000.

The image below is a combination of 9 images taken with my Opticon 250 mm f/15 SCT + Televue Big Barlow + ST8 CFW8, each image 0.11 s without filter. The seeing was only moderate.

29 Aug 2000.

The following two images were made on 29 August 2000, using a Takahashi CN212 in Cassegrain f/12 configuration. A Televue 2x barlow was used with my ST-8. Exposure time for each individual image was 1 second. The first image consists of 2 images averaged and processed with unsharp mask filter. The second image contains 5 averaged images, processed with unsharp mask filter.