The Moon occulted Saturn on 22 May 2007

Load a Windows Video format (WMV) movie, 5 Mb

From the avi-files of the exit I made the following composite image:


The Moon occulted Saturn on 16 April 2002.


I imaged the event with a Philips ToUcam Pro webcam on a Takahashi FS-102 fluorite refractor + Televue 1.8 x barlow. From the two AVI films I captured, the disappearance and reappearance where selected and edited using Pinnacle Studio 7 video software. The filmclips are accelerated 5 x, you can load two different versions but still these are large files!

Load a MPEG movie (Low quality, 1.7 Mb).

Load a Windows Video format (WMV) movie (2.6 Mb).

Load a MPEG movie (Low quality, 1.5 Mb).

Load a Windows Video format (WMV) movie (2.5 Mb).
