Sun 2005.


1 May 2005 Animation of a sunspot region, H-Alfa image (warning 3.4 mB file on that page).

6 May 2005: Animation of a prominence, H-Alfa image (372 kB file).

12 May 2005: Animation of a sunspot region, H-Alfa image (1400 kB file).


Static images:

The image below is one of my first compositions showing the sun and prominences in H-Alfa light, details are in the image. The cameras used were a SBIG ST-2000XM for the full sun image, a Philips ToUcam Pro (modified with B&W chip) for the prominence details.

26 May 2005: sun in H-Alfa, image made with my TMB 115 f/7 CNC refractor + Coronado SM60 + BF15 + SBIG ST-2000 ccd camera. The sky was not good at all with lots of aircraft contrails and cirruscloud. I was surprised however that the seeing was quite good, especially since I was looking around 2 O'clock in the afternoon. So I decided to give it a try and after a difficult and long focusing run, I took 100 images at 0.03 s exposure. The series of images was then imported in Registax and aligned, I used the 10 best images for the resultant stack. The image was further processed in Photoshop.

31 May 2005.

A morning observation this time. Seeing was quite good for short periods. The whole sun was surrounded by spicules, easily seen but difficult to render well in the images below.

9 June 2005

Around midday Franky Dubois, director of the Belgian VVS Solar Observers Workgroup, allerted VVS observers of a Zirin Class 1 Quiescent pillar like prominence. When I came home from work at 17 hr local time (15 hr UT) I noticed that this prominence was still visible, along with some other prominences and some surface detail surrounding the sunspots. So I connected my Philips modified ToUcam Pro II (B&W chip) and made the following images. Telescope was my APM/TMB 115 mm f/7 CNC refractor with a Coronado SM60+BF15. Transparency was better than average for my observing location and seeing was quite good at times. The images where made between 15:40 and 15:55 hrs UT.

11 July 2005.

A sunny day with good transparency and reasonable seeing. Telescope used was my APM/TMB 115 mm f/7 CNC APO refractor and a Coronado SM60 + BF15 filter.

The full disk image is a combination of 10 images, aligned in Registax and processed in Photoshop. 100 images where made with my SBIG ST-2000XM between 9:20 h and 9:33 h UT.

After the imaging session with the ST-2000XM, I made three recordings with a modified Philips ToUcam II webcam, the image on lower left is a combination of the first two movies made between 10:00 h and 10:04 h UT. Remark the differences in sunspot 0786.

The lower right image shows the somewhat larger prominences seen, this image is a combination of frames from a video made between 10:06 h and 10:08 h UT.

All ToUcam videos were registered and stacked in Registax and processed in Photoshop.

Sun on 22 August 2005.

Sun on 23 August 2005.

Sun on 20 November 2005.

Sunspot AR10822 in white light and H-Alfa. APM/TMB 80/600 APO refractor with Orion Optics filter and Coronado SM60+BF15. DMK21BF04 Firewire camera. Sun low in the sky with a lot of Cirrus clouds but acceptable seeing.