IAU 9000

                                                  Circular No. 9000

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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COMET P/2008 U1 = P/2000 S7 (McMILLAN)
     S. Nakano, Sumoto, Japan, reports his identification of two
nights of previously unpublished observations (here designated
P/2000 S7), obtained with the Lowell Observatory 0.59-m Schmidt
telescope in the course of the LONEOS project (astrometry given
below), with comet P/2008 U1 (cf. IAUC 8997).

     2000 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.       Mag.
     Sept.23.20248   23 09 38.53   - 9 03 32.6   18.1
          23.21798   23 09 37.84   - 9 03 39.7
          23.23342   23 09 37.45   - 9 03 43.4
          23.24886   23 09 36.96   - 9 03 50.6
     Oct.  2.18685   23 05 32.41   - 9 50 41.0   18.3
           2.20628   23 05 32.03   - 9 50 44.1
           2.22565   23 05 31.36   - 9 50 51.9
           2.24506   23 05 31.00   - 9 50 57.4

These observations required a correction of Delta(T) = +1.19 days
in 2000 from an orbit utilizing astrometry from 2008 Sept. 20-Nov.
21.  Nakano provides the following orbital elements linking 103
observations, 2000-2008 (mean residual 0".66).  The comet passed
0.18 AU from Jupiter in 2004 July 8.

                    Epoch = 2000 Dec.  2.0 TT
     T = 2000 Dec.  8.9745 TT         Peri. = 217.3768
     e = 0.350672                     Node  = 152.9971  2000.0
     q = 2.693367 AU                  Incl. =   7.1433
       a =  4.147928 AU    n = 0.1166695    P =   8.45 years

                    Epoch = 2008 May  14.0 TT
     T = 2008 May  13.2573 TT         Peri. = 310.4836
     e = 0.374407                     Node  =  36.4178  2000.0
     q = 2.524827 AU                  Incl. =   4.4128
       a =  4.035895 AU    n = 0.1215610    P =   8.11 years

     Visual total-magnitude estimates:  Sept. 7.81 UT, 10.4 (K.
Yoshimoto, Yamaguchi, Japan, 25-cm reflector); Oct. 18.81, 10.5 (A.
Diepvens, Balen, Belgium, 15-cm refr.); Nov. 16.74, 10.3 (B.
Granslo, Fjellhamar, Norway, 20-cm refl.); 30.80, 10.0 (M. Meyer,
Limburg, Germany, 15-cm refr.).

                      (C) Copyright 2008 CBAT
2008 December 4                (9000)            Daniel W. E. Green