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Comet C/2023 B2 (ATLAS) - 2 febr. 2023

Af(rho) data according the CARA-approach is available via request to CARA-coordinator

Astrometric data for minor planet center


CON E. Bryssinck, Kruibeke, Belgium []

OBS E. Bryssinck, M. Rocchetto, E. Guido

OBS G. Milani, A. Valvasori

MEA E. Bryssinck

TEL 0.61-m f/6.7 reflector + CCD

ACK NEOCP X02 file updated 2023.02.02 17:14:21

NET Gaia DR2

     A10Scue  C2023 02 02.29750 10 57 56.30 -55 23 28.4          17.5 G      X02

     A10Scue  C2023 02 02.31558 10 57 57.63 -55 23 39.2                 G      X02

     A10Scue  C2023 02 02.33262 10 57 58.83 -55 23 49.2          17.5 G      X02

----- end -----


OBS Telescope.Live


                                   10x10  20x20  30x30  40x40  50x50  60x60   SNR   SB   COD

COMET         UTC                    +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-     N  FWHM  CAT

------------  -------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----  ---

C/2023 B2     02/02/2023 07:16:57  18.29  17.99  17.97                        5.0  19.8  X02

C/2023 B2     02/02/2023 07:16:57*  0.09   0.15   0.14                          6   1.3  Gai

                                                                     AFRHO         LOG

COMET         UTC                   DELTA    r    BOX "   MAG   RSR    CM    +/-  AFRHO  OBS

------------  -------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ---  -----  ----  -----  ---

C/2023 B2     02/02/2023 07:16:57    1.30   1.80  21.23  18.04    5      3     1  0.508  X02

Photometry obtained with FOCAS-II software:

     H. Sato reports cometary activity of an asteroidal NEOCP candidate (initially reported by ATLAS South Africa - M22 on Jan. 21 UT) in ten stacked 60-second follow-up images taken at iTelescope Observatory (Q62) on Jan. 23 UT, noting a condensed 10" coma. Prediscovery positions were reported from Nov. 2022. Additional reports of cometary features are as follows:

OC   Date        Reporter           Coma    Tail    PA          Exposures

Q62  2023-01-25  K. Yoshimoto      11"       10"    290          11x120s

W88  2023-01-28  B. Lutkenhoner     6"                           19x50s

X02  2023-02-02  E. Bryssinck       6"        6"    302          20x90s